How to spend time on long rides/flights while traveling

car side mirror

How to spend time on long rides/flights

How to spend time on long rides/flights can be quite a challenge with hours stretching seemingly endlessly. But don’t worry! In this article, I will share some of the things that I do during those long trips to pass time and get things done at the same time!

Stay Entertained with Movies and Shows

One of the simplest and most popular ways to pass the time during long rides/flights is by watching movies and TV shows. Many airlines these days offer in-flight entertainment to choose popular movies and TV-shows from. If you bring your device, consider pre-downloading some content to ensure a smooth experience. I always like to download a couple movies or a season of my favorite show on Netflix to my phone to stream. This can also a great way to keep the kids occupied if your traveling with family!

little girl with tablet watching netflix to spend time on long rides/flights

Read a Good Book or Listen to an Audiobook

If you’re not a fan of screens, reading a book or listening to an audiobook can be a relaxing way to lose yourself in a story. Simply immersing yourself in a captivating narrative is an excellent way to make the hours fly by.

girl reading book to spend time on long rides/flights

Catch Up on Work

For those who are always on the go, long rides/flights can provide the perfect opportunity to catch up on work. With your laptop or tablet, you can catch up on emails, reports, or other pending tasks in a more peaceful environment. There are many airlines these days that offer free Wi-Fi you can connect while catching up on work.

Mindfulness and Meditation

Long rides/flights offer a unique chance to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of our daily lives. Try to take advantage of these long trips to reconnect with yourself. In fact try meditation exercises that can help you relax and refresh your mind. Personally I like to use deep-breathing techniques to help with any travel-related stress and fatigue. This can really help with all of the stress with last minute packing or if your rushing to get to the airport like me!

Play Games

Consider bringing a tablet or smartphone loaded with games to keep you entertained. From puzzles to strategy games, there are so many games you can play to pass time. In my travels we’ve always liked to play ‘I Spy’ or ‘The license plate ‘ games on our road trips. While on the airplane or in a train I would play games on my phone that I had downloaded.

Plan Your Trip

If you are a travel nerd like me, you will love this one. Personally I LOVE to plan out my trips ahead of time. Try to use the travel time to plan out your activities and create an itinerary. Consider researching the destinations, find interesting places to visit, and make a rough schedule. This proactive approach guarantees that you make the most of your time once you arrive. Using this method we’ve saved so much time during our trips deciding where to eat or what to do.

Learn Something New

We all have something that we wish we had more time to learn. Try to take advantage of long rides/flights to learn something new. There are so many educational apps and platforms that offer courses on a variety of subjects. You can listen to an education podcast or watch a tutorial video and acquire new skills or discover topics that pique your interest. You may never know when you might develop a passion for something.


We may not want to socialize with strangers but this can be one of the most rewarding experiences during our travels. One of the best things about traveling are the amazing people we meet along the way. Engage with fellow passengers, share stories, or make new friends. The people you meet on long rides/flights can be interesting and inspiring. It’s a passive way to enhance your travel experience.

Enjoy the Scenic Views

If you’re on a road trip or seated near a window on a flight, enjoy the natural beauty outside. Admire the changing landscapes, cloud formations, or starry skies. Sometimes, simply gazing at the world passing by can be a profound experience. I often catch myself getting lost staring out the windows and just admiring nature and the views around us!

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Try Journaling

Keep a travel journal to document your thoughts, experiences, and memorable moments during your journey. It’s a great way to create lasting memories and reflect on your adventures. I like to look back from time to time and relive some of my past trips. This can also be a therapeutic way to get some of your inner thoughts on paper and relive yourself of any stress you might have going on in your life.

Nap and Rest

This one is my FAVORITE! Don’t forget to rest. Long rides/flights can be exhausting, and taking a nap or simply closing your eyes for a while can refresh your mind and body. It’s an essential part of a successful journey. Don’t forget to bring a travel pillow and pack a light blanket with you. You never know when you may need it!

Organize and Declutter

Use your travel time to declutter and organize your digital and physical life. Sort through your photos, clean up your email inbox, and reorganize your belongings. Strangely I find that this can be therapeutic and rewarding. I love looking back at my work and feeling a sense of accomplishment.


In conclusion, long rides/flights can be made much more enjoyable by taking advantage of various activities to pass the time. Whether you prefer to relax with a book, watch a movie, catch up on a show or use the time productively, there’s no shortage of ways to make the journey as memorable as the destination itself. So, the next time you embark on a long ride or flight, remember to plan ahead and make the most of your travel time, turning it into an enriching and fulfilling experience. Let me know if there are anythings you guys like to do on your trips that I haven’t already mentioned!

I hope you find this guide helpful as you plan your next vacation. Certainly, look at my other reviews here to plan your next vacation! Be sure to subscribe and bookmark my blog and follow me on Instagram @TheHotelHaven and Facebook for more travel tips and inspiration. Until next time, happy travels! All opinions are my own and not swayed by outside sources.